



《極速秒殺2》(Mechanic: Resurrection,法國/美國,2016):6.5/10
「Described his death as a tragic accident, effectively ruling out foul play.」



「There's always a girl.」


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《憤怒鳥玩電影》(The Angry Birds Movie,芬蘭/美國,2016):6.5/10
「There seems to be a recurring issue here. Anger.」


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《生命中最抓狂的小事》(Relatos salvajes/Wild Tales,阿根廷/西班牙,2014):8/10


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《神力女超人》(Wonder Woman,美國/中國/香港/英國/義大利/加拿大/紐西蘭,2017):7.5/10
「Maybe people aren't always good. Ares or no ares, maybe it's just who they are.」


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《北極特快車》(The Polar Express,美國,2004):7/10
「One thing about trains... it doesn't matter where they're going. What matters is deciding to get on.」


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《速食遊戲》(The Founder,美國,2016):7.5/10
「Business is war. It's dog eat dog, rat eat rat. If my competitor were drowning, I'd walk over and put a hose right in his mouth.」



「We beat them by making it to the end of the war alive.」


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《為了與你相遇》(A Dog's Purpose,美國,2017):7.5/10
「Humans are complicated. They do things dogs can't understand. Like leave.」



《名偵探柯南劇場版第21彈:唐紅的戀歌》(名探偵コナン から紅の恋歌,日本,2017):7.5/10


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《腦爸偏頭痛》(Why Him?,美國/柬埔寨,2016):7/10
「What doesn't kill you makes you stronger.」


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《愛國者行動》(Patriots Day,香港/美國,2016):7.5/10
「When the devil hits you like that, only one weapon you have to fight back with, it's love.」


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《十二怒漢》(12 Angry Men,美國,1957):9.5/10
「If you want to vote not guilty then do it because you are convinced the man is not guilty, not because you've had enough.」


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