《曼哈頓戀習曲》(Begin Again,美國,2013):7.5/10
「I Was drinking my ass off standing on a subway platform, ready to kill myself, and then I heard your song.」
「You took the wrong kid.」
《安娜貝爾:造孽》(Annabelle: Creation,美國,2017):6.5/10
「The devil preys on those weak in faith, not weak of flesh or bone.」
《變形金剛5:最終騎士》(Transformers: The Last Knight,中國/加拿大/美國,2017):5.5/10
「Without sacrifice, there can be no victory.」
「Strange how people can just disappear on you.」
《玩命再劫》(Baby Driver,英國/美國,2017):7/10
「Either way, if you are wall street, you're a bigger fucking crook than I could ever be.」
《海邊》(By the Sea,法國/馬爾他/美國,2015):6.5/10
「You would have to try and fail to be a failed writer, and you're nothing.」
《星際特工瓦雷諾:千星之城》(Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets,法國/中國/比利時/德國/阿拉伯聯合大公國/美國,2017):6.5/10
「We can forgive, but how can we forget?」
《蜘蛛人:返校日》(Spider-Man: Homecoming,美國,2017):7.5/10
「If you're nothing without this suit, then you shouldn't have it.」